67th Pennsylvania Area Assembly Registration

of the Pennsylvania Area
August 16-18th, 2024
Harrisburg Hilton
One North Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101-1601
$30.00 – $115.00
The 67th Pennsylvania Area Assembly will be held August 16-18th, 2024, at the Hilton Harrisburg in downtown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This is where Group Representatives will come together for the first time with our new Panel. The PA Area Assembly is the business meeting where the groups send their representatives to express a voice and vote on behalf of the group. This is an opportunity for every group to have their voice heard and vote counted.
We are planning a busy interactive business meeting including workshops, displays, and Al-Anon and Alateen meetings. After dinner on Saturday evening, we will have a guest speaker from the World Service Office (WSO). The Assembly is scheduled to begin with workshops on Friday evening. The business meeting begins on Saturday morning and ends Sunday at noon after all business is completed.
More information: You can view the formal invitation from the Pennsylvania Area Chair, Lori F., here Invitation Letter & Important Information
Other useful documents: Tentative Agenda and the Welcome Brochure / Helpful Information
Need assistance or have questions? Please contact Suzanne H., Alt. Delegate, at alt.delegate64@pa-al-anon.
- Hotel rooms must be booked by Wednesday, July 24, 2024, to receive our contract rate of $135.
- Assembly Registration must be completed no later than Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Hotel Registration
Deadline: Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
Book your room online at the Hilton Website for our Event.
Please note: You must also register for the Assembly separately. It is a two-step process. Reserve your hotel room and also complete the Assembly Registration.
Reservations may also be made by calling the Hilton directly at 717-233-6000. Please reference our event name: PA A ASSEMBLY MEETING and Group Code PAAA.
Parking is $10/night/vehicle. The room rate per night is $135 +$14.85 (11%) tax and other fees. Total for two nights is $299.70.
** Important: Whether you have a roommate is up to group autonomy and individual needs. Up to four people may stay in one room if you want to reduce your group’s cost.
Assembly Registration
Assembly registration is a two-step process. You must purchase a meal plan, and you also need to book your hotel room – see the hotel section below.
To purchase a meal plan:
- Select a meal plan from the right
- Complete the questions below your selection.
- Those questions with a red asterisk * are required.
- Add the meal plan to your Cart
- If you need additional folders, please note one folder is included in your registration, click on the folder product and enter your quantity and add that to your cart, as well.
- Complete your checkout and enter your payment details.
If you prefer to pay by check rather than online please still complete your Assembly registration online and select the pay by check option at checkout. Here is a Printable Registration Form if needed.
A choice of three workshops will be available on Friday evening at 7:00 and 8:15 pm.
The titles are preliminary and subject to change:
- Sponsorship
- Service Manual
- The Twelve Concepts
The Workshops will be held in the Lebanon, York, and Leland ballrooms. Details will be provided when you check in at the Registration Desk on Friday after 4:00 pm.
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Thank you for your service!